
The Nightingale

An interpretation of Andersen's fairy tale - 'The Nightingale,' an exquisite story about the magical East.

A Tale for King Solomon


The protagonist is a rompish cat called Maurko. The story is about appreciating our close friends and relatives and being thankful for their good will.

Ally and the Butterflies

There are a lot of children with different disorders and special needs. They and their families suffer the most from lack of acceptance and understanding from the others. I created a story about acceptance and friendship, dedicated to all these diverse and lovely children.

The Magic World of the Books

Miro and Etta

I came up with this story after my children finished primary school. I was a very stressed and nervous parent and after this long experience I see how silly and misguided some of my worries were. With these funny stories I try to protect other parents from exhaustion, because sometimes, just loving our children is enough.


When my daughter was a small kid, she was a naughty girl. She had many wild ideas that were, unfortunately for me, always causing trouble. Her childhood inspired me to create these three small books.

How the dog was looking for a friend

Red Riding Hood

Mr. Nanny

Hardship’s Kingdom

Unforgettable stories about naughty children and a loving and strict granny. This is a project I only illustrated for, but it’s one of my favorites, because the author - Ran Bosilek - is a beloved Bulgarian writer of children’s books.

Koledunka the Monkey

The Noise in the Forest
